Kindness & humanity
Cil is an organisation run by and for disabled people to improve Quality of their Life in whatever way possible. Some of the ways we do this are supporting them...
Dudley Cil is run because we recognised in 2010 that people were starting to struggle with accessing services and money and everyday activities. All our work is done by unpaid...
We do what we do because we care and not because it's just a job or we earn money or for self-gratification. We care because we have been there and...
Young Volunteers From NCS Campaigning For Young Carers
This shows young volunteers from NCS who worked with us and Disability in Action dudley. To make a film and poster for the Dignity 4 Dudley campaign. Also present some film participants, producer Jess Moore and deputy mayor and mayoress...
Read MoreYoung Volunteers From NCS Campaigning For Young Carers
Young volunteers from national citizenship service campaigning for young carers in Dudley town centre on 1/9/17. ...
Read MoreMayor’s Fundraising Bazaar 2016
Mummy Christmas at the Mayor's bazaar raising funds...
Read MoreMeeting Parents
Gathering views from members of the parents of children with long-term conditions....
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